Do you have a partner?
Principal Hapu
Other Hapu
Category of Entitlement to membership
Please fill this section to the best of your ability. We only require the names of your family that will help us link you to Ngati Maru. Any other details which may assist in determining your Ngati Maru eligibility please provide.
Please provide any relevant information, which may assist the Runanga to process your applications or to initiate the inclusion of your claim for hapu recognition at the next general Meeting. Any other comments or additional information you can provide will be appreciated.
The register
I understand that the information I provide to Te Runanga o Ngati Maru Inc, shall be kept by the secretary at its office and will be used for the purpose of maintaining an register of beneficiaries. The names of all new applicants shall be added to the register upon successful application. It is the responsibility of each member, their parent or guardian to advise the secretary of any change in contact details.
Termination of Membership
Any member may resign from Te Runanga o Ngati Maru Iwi Inc. at any time by notice in writing to the secretary and such member’s membership shall terminate from the date that the resignation is received by the secretary. However, such resignation does not preclude that person re-applying for membership.
I declare that the information provided in this application are true and correct and understand that the Runanga will keep all information about my personal details confidential to Ngati Maru.